Anxiety can come in many different degrees of severity. It is perfectly normal to feel a little on the nerves from time to time. However, inner turmoil and anxiety can sometimes put you completely out of action, and anti-anxiety medications can cause side effects and quickly become addictive.
Can CBD help with anxiety?
There are many studies that show that CBD can work against mild anxiety, severe anxiety and panic disorder.
Your body has many different receptors. These respond to signals that you in turn can influence through what you eat, what medications you use – or supplements such as CBD. This is how it becomes relevant for anxiety: CBD appears to interact with receptors found in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. It is not entirely clear how CBD affects these receptors, but the effect of serotonin is likely to be enhanced. Serotonin is also often referred to as the “happiness hormone”, and many traditional anxiety medications try to affect its production. Low levels of serotonin can also cause depression, so for good mental health you need plenty of this “happiness hormone”! What if CBD can help the body produce enough? If you are taking medication that your doctor has prescribed for anxiety, you should have an open dialogue about it.
There is a lot of research on CBD, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. One study showed good results in the treatment of social anxiety, and there are similar results in PTSD, sleep problems and panic attacks.
It is important that your CBD oil is of good quality – read more about it here.
Read more about the most important ailments that CBD can work against.
You can also use our online store if you want quality products that can help with anxiety. Our products have undergone a number of serious third-party tests, precisely to ensure quality for you.