CBD for depression and mood swings
More and more people are looking with great interest at CBD in connection with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and inner turmoil, psychoses and delusions and general mood swings. The interesting thing is that CBD seems to work quite quickly, unlike most traditional medicines that often need a long time to take effect. CBD appears to repair and activate the receptors in the brain that interpret and perceive “happiness”. The “happiness hormone” serotonin simply works more effectively with a little help from CBD.
We can all be a little out of balance from time to time. Some mental illnesses can be transient and mild, while others can put you completely out of play. A few years ago, interest in so-called “happiness pills” exploded, a new type of medicine that was to help with the production of happiness hormones. These medications are highly evaluated in effect, but almost all have relatively strong side effects that reduce the effect just as much: weight gain, pimples, fatigue, etc.
CBD can help the body restore balance by “helping the brain” read and perceive the happiness hormones. This reduces the degree of feeling down, hopeless, and depressed.
If you are taking medication prescribed by a doctor, do not make dose adjustments or add supplements such as CBD without first discussing it with them.
CBD can be the beginning of the solution for more than just depression
Anxiety and psychosis can be more challenging than mild depression, and it is recommended that you seek professional help as well. Traditional anti-anxiety medications, such as valium and sobril, can help you, but over time they will create addiction and the effect will diminish. CBD is a dietary supplement that can improve recovery relatively quickly, but you must also be willing to find out the causes of anxiety. Today there are many types of talk therapy, find a therapist you trust and who you feel you can talk to about “everything”. The first step to better mental health is to realize the problems and then find someone to talk to.
There is generally a lot of research on CBD in combination with depression and mental health, and in a study cited in The New York Times, 60% used CBD specifically for depression and anxiety. It is considered very promising, safe and without side effects.
If you want to break a vicious circle, you must take the first step yourself. As a dietary supplement, CBD can be the first step.
With us at Life & Vibe, you will find CBD products in the highest quality, and which can be of help to you who want a gentle solution for depression, anxiety and better mental health.