CBD in Norway
CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the main ingredients from the cannabis plant. CBD products are developed from industrial hemp and come in various forms. Although hemp and cannabis are in the same plant family, CBD oil for pain contains less than 0.3% THC – the part from the cannabis plant t
CBD for your dog and cat
Can dogs and cats use CBD – and how? There is a lot of different information about CBD for animals online, and it can be difficult to navigate. Here’s what you need to know. There is still a lot of research on CBD, and so far there is no exact information for use with our […]
CBD i Norge
CBD står for cannabidiol, en av hovedingrediensene fra cannabisplanten. CBD-produkter utvikles fra industriell hamp og kommer i ulike former. Selv om hemp og cannabis er i samme plantefamilie, så inneholder CBD-olje mot smerter mindre enn 0,3% THC – den delen fra cannabisplanenten som gir deg ru
Can CBD give new hope to Epilepsy and Parkinson´s?
Neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and epilepsy can be very challenging to treat. There are quite a few medicines available, and one must be very careful to take the medicines at the right time. Epilepsy is a collective term for a number of different disorders that can manifest themselv
Study: CBD Helps Prevent Early-Onset Alzheimer’s
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