Angst kan komme i mange ulike alvorlighetsgrader. Det er helt normalt å kjenne litt på nervene fra tid til annen. Men indre uro og angst kan imidlertid av og til sette deg helt u
Cannabinoids and The Immune System
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CBD for pain
We eat more and more painkillers, both for acute pain and long-term, chronic pain. CBD reduces the feeling of pain by acting on the causes of the pain, by acting against inflammati
10 areas where CBD can have an effect – What does it help for?
Research is being done all over the world on the possibilities of using CBD, whether it is as a primary medicine, for supportive treatment or as a preventive measure. So far, 10 ar
Anxiety can come in many different degrees of severity. It is perfectly normal to feel a little on the nerves from time to time. However, inner turmoil and anxiety can sometimes pu
CBD and stress
You should not underestimate the damage that stress can cause you, both physically and mentally. One of the measures you can take to reduce stress is supplements such as CBD oil. B
CBD for depression and mood swings
More and more people are looking with great interest at CBD in connection with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and inner turmoil, psychoses and delusions and general m